Year: 2017

  1. Case Comments
  2. Constitutional Law
  3. Human Rights Law
A Case Commentary on Charu Wali Khanna & Another V. Union of India & Another. A recent petition filed before the Supreme Court of India demands the abrogation of Article 35-A of the Constitution of India and Note III of a 1927 notification defining “permanent residents” in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, (hereinafter J&K). […]
  1. International Law
  2. Uncategorized
এডমুন্ড বার্ক (1730-1797) ও জ্যঁ জাক রুশোর (1712-1778) লেখায় self-determination ধারণাটির বীজ লুকায়িত থাকলেও উড্রো উইলসনকে (1856-1924) এর জনক বলা হয়। কিন্তু উইলসন ধারণাটির আন্তর্জাতিকীকরণ করলেও এর তাত্ত্বিক বিকাশ ঘটেছে ভ্লাদিমির ইলিচ লেনিনের (1870-1924)  ১৯০৩ সাল থেকে ১৯১৭ সালের মধ্যকার লেখালেখিতে। Rita Augestad Knudsen তাঁর অপ্রকাশিত পিএইচডি থিসিসে (২০১৩) লেনিনের ধারণাকে র‌্যাডিক্যাল আর উইলসনের ধারণাকে […]
  1. Criminal Law
  2. Tort Law
“Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity;   the female sex.” – Mahatma Gandhi More than half of the total population of Bangladesh are women. Unfortunately,  employment of women in Bangladesh is much lower […]

How-To Series

Monthly Judgement Digests


In the month of July 2024, the Quota Reform Movement in Bangladesh emerged as a powerful symbol for the fight for fundamental human rights, revealing the severe injustices inflicted by the government and law enforcement agencies. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh through landmark cases has recognized the fundamental right to protest against government policies. DHLR […]
Bangladesh has various environmental policies, legislations, environmental institutions, and international conventions to which it is a party. There are approximately 200 laws, relating to the protection of the environment but their proper application in preserving the environment is not practically visible. The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 (BECA) is […]