
  1. Court Corridor
  2. Court Corridor 2022
This edition of ‘From the Court Corridor’ curates the notable pronouncements of the High Court Division (HCD) and the Appellate Division (AD) of the Supreme Court (SC) of Bangladesh in September 2022.  AD stays HCD verdict regarding taking prior permission before arresting government officials On 25 August 2022, following a writ petition by Human Rights […]
  1. Labour Law
Tea is the second-largest cash crop in Bangladesh. According to the Bangladesh Tea Board, there are 167 commercial tea estates with a total area of 2,79,506.88 acres. In 2021, Bangladesh produced the highest-ever 96.5 million kg of tea and earned 180.57 million US dollars by globally exporting 680,000 kg of tea. The people directly contributing […]
  1. Case Comments
  2. Constitutional Law
What makes the case of Major General K.M. Shafiullah & another vs. Bangladesh one of the most controversial cases in the history of Constitutional Law of Bangladesh is that while disposing of the case the Supreme Court of Bangladesh positively enforced a provision of Part II of the Constitution which has been expressly barred by […]
  1. Genocide and Justice Studies
Amy Fagin is a U.S. based visual artist who is specializing in the traditional art form of manuscript illumination. Her body of work includes a powerful post-modern contribution to the materials, techniques and theory used in manuscript illumination as a reinterpreted art form for contemporary consideration. She is the creator of Beyond Genocide, an emerging series […]
  1. Constitutional Law
  2. Human Rights Law
“[The object of my government is] non-injury, restraint, impartiality, and mild behaviour […] to all creatures” [Emperor Ashoka, 3rd Century BC, Ashokan Studies, pp. 34-35, edict XIII.] In this note I seek to navigate, no doubt ambitiously, the relationship between Bangladesh’s unstable constitutionalism and the trajectory of recognition, protection, and discourse of human rights in […]

How-To Series

Monthly Judgement Digests


Adultery is commonly defined as a voluntary sexual relationship between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. In legal terms, it is often considered a breach of the marital contract and can have various legal consequences which also include emotional, psychological, and social impact. For instance, adultery frequently elicits strong feelings such […]
In the month of July 2024, the Quota Reform Movement in Bangladesh emerged as a powerful symbol for the fight for fundamental human rights, revealing the severe injustices inflicted by the government and law enforcement agencies. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh through landmark cases has recognized the fundamental right to protest against government policies. DHLR […]