Month: October 2014

  1. Labour Law
  2. Migration Law
The field of international migration (from Bangladesh) is becoming increasingly complex. A most culpable reason behind the sufferings, and eventually a status of rightslessness, of Bangladeshi migrant workers working abroad is high recruitment costs, often unlawfully charged by the private recruiters. Another factor that pushes their plights to a level of sheer inhumaneness, is the […]
  1. Human Rights Law
  2. Right to Information
The right to information, meaning the people’s right to know or accessibility to information derives its origin from Sweden. Historically, Sweden was the first country in the world to adopt a “Freedom of Information Act” in 1776. However, the democratic changeover in the Central and Eastern Europe following the fall of the Berlin wall in […]
  1. Human Rights Law
  2. Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is an organized crime that infringes a person’s right to live with freedom and dignity. The magnitude of the multifaceted crimes under the umbrella term of ‘human trafficking’ is truly alarming. Often analogized with modern day slavery, these crimes are carried out both within and beyond national boundaries. In general sense, the act […]

How-To Series

Monthly Judgement Digests


Adultery is commonly defined as a voluntary sexual relationship between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. In legal terms, it is often considered a breach of the marital contract and can have various legal consequences which also include emotional, psychological, and social impact. For instance, adultery frequently elicits strong feelings such […]
In the month of July 2024, the Quota Reform Movement in Bangladesh emerged as a powerful symbol for the fight for fundamental human rights, revealing the severe injustices inflicted by the government and law enforcement agencies. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh through landmark cases has recognized the fundamental right to protest against government policies. DHLR […]